Month: March 2012

East London police officer taped in racist bullying – CPS refuse to prosecute


Link to full article with transcribed audio in Guardian 30 March 2012

A 21 year old black male from Beckton, Newham has described how police officers assaulted and racially abused him in the back of a police van after being stopped by the police during last August’s ‘riots’.

With the aid of his mobile, the young man was able to make an audio recording of police officers’ comments and later made an official complaint. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) eventually decided not to prosecute any officers directly involved, a decision we are now told is under review following the threat of a judicial review of that decision by the young man’s legal representatives, Bhatt Murphy Solicitors.

The young man was initially stopped on 11 August 2011 on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs, however the police could produce no evidence of this and charges were later dropped. Read more

Benjamin Zephaniah – Put the Number in Your Phone!

stop-and-search-incidentPoet, writer and patron of Newham Monitoring Project Benjamin Zephaniah explains why it is important for young people in east London to know their rights on stop & search, especially during the 2012 Olympics.

That means carrying NMP’s 24-hour emergency helpline number at all times – so go on, put the number [0800 169 3111] in your phone!

Publicity for our helpline during the Olympics is one part of our response to this summer’s Games, when we aim to ensure that local people are aware of their civil liberties and have a way of seeking redress if they believe their rights have been ignored. We are also offering a basic rights information card, legal workshops for youth and community groups and, for the first time, trained Community Legal Observers near to event venues.

If you are interested in volunteering for NMP over the Olympic period, either as a Community Legal Observer or to help promote civil liberties in east London in other ways, please contact us.